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What is lymphatic drainage?

El drenaje linfático es una técnica manual que actúa sobre los vasos linfáticos con el fin de eliminar el líquido intersticial y linfático que el cuerpo no puede eliminar de forma natural. 

Masaje de hombro


What are its objectives?

It has an anti-edema and analgesic action on the muscles. Lymphatic drainage is especially indicated to reduce the so-called “orange peel” effect of cellulite and to treat post-surgical edema or scars.

The effect on muscle fibers provides a relaxing effect. In general, lymphatic drainage optimizes the response of the immune system.


What effects does it have?

Lymphatic drainage consists of a gentle and repetitive massage with different characteristics to traditional massage. It is slower and is performed without cream, which increases contact with the skin and optimizes the activation mechanisms for lymph mobilization and elimination of stagnant fluids.

Intensive cycles are recommended, initially 2 to 3 sessions per week followed by a maintenance treatment (2 to 4 per month); however, these indications may vary depending on the patient's pathology.

Gimnasia hipopresiva

The technique consists of performing different types of movements and postures by means of a contraction of the diaphragm muscle during expiration, achieving a “suction effect” on the viscera.

Hypopressive gymnastics


Nueva técnica de fisioterapia que combina salud y estética. Su objetivo es mejorar y rehabilitar las imperfecciones faciales y corporales ofreciendo resultados visibles en poco tiempo.


Physiotherapy is a health science discipline that offers physical treatment and rehabilitation to diagnose, prevent and treat symptoms.

The Pilates exercise
Tecar therapy

Noninvasive neuromodulation NESA

It is a technology that uses electrical impulses, improving the functioning of the nervous system.



Raul San Segundo

Diplomado en Fisioterapia y Osteopatía


Maria Jose Martinez

Diplomada en Fisioterapia y Osteopatía

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