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What is physiotherapy Pilates?

Invented and developed by Joseph H. Pilates during the first decades of the 20th century.

It is a method that strengthens the body through stability, balance and normalization of the spine, achieving more precise and effective movement in the periphery without compensating with other regions of the body.

Since its invention until today, Pilates has been reinforced by modern studies and is a discipline in constant evolution, which helps prevent relapses. Among these studies and new trends are the Global Postural Reeducation (RPG) method, which studies the individual's posture as a correlation between muscle chains and their relationship with the imbalances of the same that can, by generating an imbalance, condition the possible pathology or predisposition of the subject to it, as well as the Motor Control discipline, which provides a biomechanical basis justified through EMG.

La práctica de Pilates


¿Qué beneficios tiene?

Motor Control shows the benefit of the balance that must exist between the so-called stabilizing muscles (deep, responsible for joint control) and mobilizing muscles (superficial, responsible for movement) which are those that promote the correct balance and quality of the body's biomechanics, as well as the prevention and participation in good neuromuscular reprogramming.


What is it indicated for?

El drenaje linfático consiste en un masaje suave y repetitivo con unas características diferentes al masaje tradicional. Es más lento y se realiza sin crema, lo cual hace que aumente el contacto con la piel y se optimicen los mecanismos de activación de la movilización de la linfa y eliminación de los líquidos estancados.

Se recomiendan ciclos intensos, inicialmente de 2 a 3 sesiones semanales seguidas de un tratamiento de mantenimiento (2 a 4 al mes); sin embargo, estas indicaciones pueden variar en función de la patología que tenga el paciente. 

Hypopressive gymnastics

The technique consists of performing different types of movements and postures by means of a contraction of the diaphragm muscle during expiration, achieving a “suction effect” on the viscera.

Hypopressive gymnastics


New physiotherapy technique that combines health and aesthetics. Its objective is to improve and rehabilitate facial and body imperfections, offering visible results in a short time.


Physiotherapy is a health science discipline that offers physical treatment and rehabilitation to diagnose, prevent and treat symptoms.

The Pilates exercise

Noninvasive neuromodulation NESA

It is a technology that uses electrical impulses, improving the functioning of the nervous system.



Raul San Segundo

Diploma in Physiotherapy and Osteopathy


Maria Jose Martinez

Diploma in Physiotherapy and Osteopathy

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